Wild Hearts: Culture Amp

Cultivating The Best with Culture Amp

Date Published:
December 16, 2020

Didier Elzinga and Chloe Hamman from Culture Amp, alongside Blackbird partner Nick Crocker, discuss how to build an amazing corporate culture.

In the famed words of Ferris Bueller, ‘life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while you might miss it.’ It's been almost forty years since the movie's release, and a lot has changed, with remote work, Zoom calls and Slack channels galore. Managing corporate culture has become harder than it has ever been, but Culture Amp is on a mission to change that.

Our two guests, Didier Elzinga , the CEO and co-founder of Culture Amp and Chloe Hamman, Director of People Insights, are helping to cultivate a best-in-class culture in organisations around the world.

In our final episode for the year, we will hear about how key company values helped lead Culture Amp to unicorn status, discover the data insights gained from monitoring thousands of companies worldwide, and learn about Blackbird’s relationship with the company with Blackbird Partner Nick Crocker.

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