
































A pink and orange blackbird in mid flight
A pink and orange blackbird in flight from right

Contact Us

Contact Us
Contact Us
Contact Us

Email Blackbird

See this form? It’s made just for you - and you, and you. Just pick the option that best describes your burning question and we’ll take care of the rest.

Hello Blackbird, my name is
[your lovely name goes here]. 
I am wondering about
My phone number is
[this number]. 
and my email is
[this email].
Thanks, we've got your message and one of our Blackbirds will be in touch with you soon. Have a delightful day!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form. Please try again!
Hello Blackbird, my name is
[your lovely name goes here]. 
I am wondering about
[investing with Blackbird]. 
My company is
[investing with Blackbird]. 
My phone number is
[this number]. 
and my email is
[this email].

Investor type:
Note: we are not currently licensed to accept retail investors

How much are you looking to invest?
Note: the minimum amount to invest is AUD$500k

Which funds are you interested in?

We’d love to hear more about your background.
Thanks, we've got your message and one of our Blackbirds will be in touch with you soon. Have a delightful day!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form. Please try again!
Hello Blackbird, my name is
[your lovely name goes here]. 
I am wondering about
[Pitching my startup]. 
My phone number is
[this number]. 
and my email is
[this email].
Thanks, we've got your message and one of our Blackbirds will be in touch with you soon. Have a delightful day!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form. Please try again!
Hello Blackbird, my name is
[your lovely name goes here]. 
I am wondering about
[Working at Blackbird]. 
My phone number is
[this number]. 
and my email is
[this email].
Thanks, we've got your message and one of our Blackbirds will be in touch with you soon. Have a delightful day!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form. Please try again!

Where We Work At

We are a fully distributed workforce and embrace flexibility for our team in where and how we work. There’s Blackbirds in Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, Brisbane and Orange! But if you want to visit one of our offices, this is where you’ll find us.

Drag Me!


Level 1, 309 Karangahape Road, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand


Our Aotearoa office is a small but mighty crew of five hailing from throughout the whenua. We like to think of ourselves as a scrappy skunkworks team within Blackbird: besides our day jobs we each wear other hats. Find us on Karangahape Road, a location as colourful as we are, or on the road meeting founders in all corners of New Zealand.

The blackbird aotearoa office interior


15 Newton St, Cremorne, VIC, Australia, 3121


The Melbourne Blackbirds will tell you they’ve got the best coffee - and they’re probably right. They also have a steady stream of La Croix, Cremorne’s tech community on their doorstep, and the beloved Startmate Monthly Family Drinks events.

The blackbird melbourne office interior


111 Albion Street, Surry Hills NSW, Australia 2010


Smack bang in the middle of Surry Hills, our Sydney office is a stone’s throw from many of our portfolio companies. It’s also got fresh coffee, plenty of TimTams and even a novelty “birdbox” phone booth.

The blackbird sydney office interior




Button Text
A pink and yellow bird sitting on top of a column
A pink and yellow bird sitting on top of a column
A pink and yellow bird sitting on top of a column
A pink and yellow bird sitting on top of a column