Wild Hearts: Craig Piggott

Fenceless Farming with Craig Piggott & Peter Beck

Date Published:
December 3, 2020

The founders of Halter and Rocketlab, Craig Piggott and Peter Beck, join us to talk about fencless farming, culture and NZ startups.

Aday in the life of a dairy farmer starts at 4:30am, everyday, 365 days a year. These farmers must then move their herd of cows from paddock to paddock. Their arsenal of tools includes dogs, bikes and fences. Our next guest, Craig Piggott grew up on a dairy farm where he saw his parents put in 80 hour work weeks just to keep up. Determined to improve the lives of his parents and dairy farmers all around the world, he founded Halter.

Halter is a fenceless farming startup, in simpler terms, they make mind control technology for cows. They have developed an IoT wearable collar that uses Pavlovian conditioning to teach the cow to move in response to different signals (vibrations and sounds) triggered by the collar.

In today’s episode, you’ll hear from Craig on the future of farming and creating a culture of radical honesty, and from investor and Rocket Lab founder Peter Beck on the biggest mistakes NZ entrepreneurs make, and what convinced him to invest in Halter.

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