Alex Gifford

Alex Gifford

Head of Investment Programs

This Blackbird has flown the nest. You can get in touch with them below.

About Me

I grew up in a place called Toowoomba in Qld and have spent most of my years since then in Brisbane and Melbourne. Outside work, I spend a lot of time facetiming my family, at live music gigs and at coffee with friends. I love learning new things - I’m currently learning how to surf and play keys! On a more regular roster I swim, run, do yoga, listen to music, and am obsessed with anything Sam Harris and the Making Sense podcast.

“Begin again.” - Sam Harris
What do you do at Blackbird?

‍As the Investments Chief of Staff, I support our amazing investments team to maximise their impact and spend their time doing what they do best - investing! I help improve communication, processes & productivity and connect the investments team with all other parts of the business.

What did you do before Blackbird?

I worked as an environmental and human rights lawyer, as a study skills presenter with an education company, co-founded and co-hosted a gender podcast and most recently, in PwC’s education consulting team equipping Australians with the skills they need for the future of work.

What do you believe that others do not?

What ideas are you excited by right now?

Progress being made around gender equality: I always go by “you can’t be what you can’t see” and I am so inspired by those taking amazing steps towards inclusive, open and safe workplaces.

Stories by

Alex Gifford