I’ve recently boomeranged back to Sydney’s inner west after spending several years in Canberra followed by about 10 years overseas. I’ve been lucky to live in a weird and wonderful array of places (the UK, the US, Sweden, Thailand and even a short stint in Myanmar), leaving me with a pretty savvy approach to airports, a graveyard of beginner language certificates, and a deep and abiding love for people who take you in when you know no-one. I’m a sucker for live music, esoteric podcasts, conversation-filled road trips, and a bold print (both wearing and sewing). In recent years I’ve been making a stronger effort to get out of cities and into nature; and I’m keen to keep up the trend.
I work to grow and amplify our portfolio companies' positive impact on the world. That means I have the privilege of working with founders and their teams on everything from sustainability, to social impact, to how they design the tech we're all proud to use.
I was the cofounder and CEO of Applied, a Blackbird portfolio company, which uses behavioural science de-bias hiring and help the best person get the job, regardless of their background. Before that I worked at the Behavioural Insights Team in the UK, the United Nations in Thailand and Myanmar, and the Australian Treasury.
That there are lots of small decisions we make every day, often unconsciously, that could be made just a tiny bit better. And the cumulative good that can come from improving them amounts to a lot.